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Rewards & Loyalty

Employee Rewards Programs 

That’s us. We do everything from fulfilling tens of thousands of gift cards in bulk for multinational corporations to helping small businesses manage annual holiday gifts. Whether you need ideas for starting a global employee rewards program or are tired of going to the store for gift cards to manage an existing one—we’d love to help. With NGC, you always get fast and accurate gift card fulfillment and friendly service for your employee reward program needs.

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Do You Suffer from MFS?

Multiple-Facility Syndrome (MFS) is something many large companies suffer from. In the gift card / incentive world, MFS is when a company has multiple (2 or more) facilities, all using gift cards for incentive or award purposes, but management has no control, visibility or financial controls in place to track who is buying and why they are buying gift cards.

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4 Ways to Bust Incentive Program Fatigue

NGC is excited to work with retailers, like Best Buy, who are actively proposing new ways to enhance the gift card experience.  In the following white paper, Best Buy presents four ways to keep your incentive program interesting and accessible to all employees.

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Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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