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Consumer Marketing & Promotions

Marketing Promotions Reward Management

Gift cards are one of the best ways to drive new customer acquisition through promotions like in-game rewards, social media contests, and packaged sales. Use co-branded gift cards from over 300 national brands—like SUBWAY®, iTunes, and Starbucks—to add incentives to new product launches, on-package giveaways and contests, and to win friends at trade shows. We can handle and scale your client needs—from multinational food and auto manufacturers to specialty retailers and niche clothing brands.

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Gift Cards Key in Product Promotion Strategy

Every day, consumers are faced with a nonstop barrage of advertising messages and promotion offers, making it difficult for businesses to capture an already short attention span. Even the most carefully researched and designed promotional campaign can easily get lost in the “media muddle.”

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Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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