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How Benefit Mobile Can Help with Fundraising in Times of Uncertainty

Now more than ever we need to find ways to come together as a community and help one another through this challenging crisis. As people, companies and communities hurt, many are seeking ways to support one another, either through direct help or by raising money through fundraising.

Our team at Benefit Mobile recognizes the unique challenges that the COVID-19 virus has brought to fundraising efforts for your cause. As our communities, both locally and globally, attempt to stop the spread of the virus, we are committed to continuing our efforts and will focus on assisting all of your fundraising efforts during these uncertain times.

So, let’s focus on how we can battle fear and economic disruption during this pandemic. Opportunities to raise money for a good cause bring us hope, help us support one another, reminds us of our humanity, and will ultimately show gratitude to those around us, whether our families, the first responders we depend on, or the community as a whole.

It’s important especially now to keep any approach simple, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be creative. As you plan your fundraiser, keep in mind that the Benefit app remains an excellent tool for your families and supporters. It is not being impacted by business closures or changes in operation. Beyond apps, physical gift cards continue to be an option that can still be shipped wherever there is a need and to whoever you want to thank for help.

There are many unique vendors available who can provide exciting retail options for any scale of fundraising, large or small, and working with teams from Benefit will connect your giving programs and projects to strong communications and technology platforms needed to make an impact in your community.

Utilizing communications through apps like Benefit allows for updates, sharing results and connecting those involved no matter the physical distance or location. Coming together this way, even if remotely, ties people together for a good cause and will show your supporters the importance of all kinds of fundraising projects during these turbulent times.

And make sure to use social media as you get the word out about your fundraiser. While we remain isolated, that doesn’t mean we can’t share our joys and successes, or seek help with what matters most to us and our families.

Interested in learning more about Benefit and its services?  Contact Kim Damato, VP of Business Development, Fundraising, via email at: Kim@Benefit-Mobile.com, or at 1.888.472.4787 x130

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