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Time for Halloween!

Halloween remains one of those "special" holidays where Americans get a chance to scare their neighbors, friends and even their kids with outrageous costumes and spooky "tricks" - with the expectation that it's all in good fun.

If you're looking for a "monster" hit this season, one great option is a gift card program featuring brands like Target and Bed Bath & Beyond, two places where a gift card from National Gift Card can be leveraged in a way that builds loyalty among clients, customers and employees who are likely looking ahead to a very busy retail season - a time where relationship building will be even more important.

Halloween doesn't have to be scary after all.  It's good fun for most of us and having a gift card connected with whatever other activity you're planning just makes a lot of sense.

Connecting the expression of thanks with two of the nation's most respected brands - Target and Bed Bath & Beyond - is one more way of building loyalty among your important networks.

Give it a try this year and see how "tricks" become "treats" in record time.

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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