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Show You Care this Valentine's Week

If you've got "someone special," chances are you will take the time to express your feelings on Valentine's Day.  But what about showing a little love to the people with whom you may be spending even more time with?

While Valentine's Day may be typically reserved for relationships that are a little more amorous, there's still an opportunity to extend those feelings to employees who have contributed extraordinary value and effort.

A simple expression in the form of a gift card from NGC and Starbucks could be just the thing that lets team members know that their accomplishments and contributions to the health of your organization are very much appreciated.

They say "the thought counts" and that's certainly true.  A thoughtful expression in the form of a gift card from NGC and Starbucks will almost certainly be something that's remembered by the recipient in the spirit that it's intended.

So why not turn those thoughts into action?  Our suggestion: "Go for it!"

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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