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USA Idea Center Employee Recognition

Save Valuable Employee Time with NGC Direct

When it comes to providing incentives to an organization's employees, most companies look to gift cards as one of the most effective tools available.

According to a 2017 study from the Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC) and the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF), a majority of U.S. businesses choose gift cards as a reward tool for a number of key groups (sales, channel, employee, customer). Specifically:

• 61% of large companies buy gift cards for an average of 2.4different reward/recognition audiences

• 69% of mid-size companies buy gift cards for an average of 2.8 different reward and recognition audiences

That wide margin suggests the debate is pretty much settled. Gift cards work. But the underlying issue for many is how to implement an effective program at your company.

An important implementation consideration, especially in time-stressed organizations (true for most of us), is the time that someone must invest in the hands-on management of gift card-based rewards programs.

Faced with the time-consuming task of getting the gift cards to use for their program, many people take what they think is the easy (and perhaps logical) step: they head to their nearest store, typically the one with racks of gift cards from which to choose, and pick the ones that they expect will appeal to their employees.

But that takes time. Probably time that they don't have, or could easily invest in better activities. It's also a method that has lost productivity built-in to the process of driving to the store and dealing with either the sheer volume of choice or lack of choice, depending on the store. Then there's the added challenge of keeping track of all those gift card purchases --no small task in anyone's world.

Thankfully, someone has thought of a solution to the whole problem and it comes in the form of National Gift Card's NGC Direct, an online system that offers more than 300 gift card choices that can be instantly accessed. In fact, NGC has developed a helpful video that outlines just how NGC Direct works:


With built in reporting capabilities and the choice of payment options, delivery options and—yes—an unmatched choice of gift card brands, NGC Direct saves valuable time and builds productivity right into an organization's incentive program.

The program is easily accessed at www.ngcdirect.com or by calling 888-472-8747. There’s no better time to try it.

http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.incentivemarketing.org/resource/resmgr/press_releases/2017_press_releases/IMA_2017_IGCC_Survey_Infogra.pdf. August 17, 2017.

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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