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Recognize Extraordinary Work Teams

Perhaps it's a good thing there's a specific day set aside to recognize the achievements that teams bring to the table. On December 4 every year, there's a formal name for it: Extraordinary Work Team Recognition Day.

If your workplace depends on the combined efforts of people who see a common goal and put their energy, enthusiasm and encouraging skills to work, now would be a great time to celebrate those collaborative skills, especially with a view toward highlighting the success that comes from the effort.

One of the best choices when it comes to putting those thoughts into action is a gift card from iTunes, one of America's favorite shopping spots for music, movies, television and even games.

Your team is bound to appreciate the fact that someone—their leader or someone on the team who depends on their contributions—took the time to celebrate a day that may not be one of the "big ones" on a corporate calendar, but is nonetheless a highly meaningful one.

We recommend you take a leap and set yourself apart from the crowd. It surely won't be overlooked in the minds of those you are taking the time to recognize, with an iTunes gift card, available now through National Gift Card.

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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