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No Costume Needed with NGC Gift Cards

For kids, and even some adults, the last day in October—Halloween—is a time for fun and frivolity. Yes, we'll add "scary" to some descriptions, but there's nothing frightening when it comes to finding ways to use this time of year as an opportunity to show your appreciation through gift cards from two great brands—Target and Bed Bath & Beyond. National Gift Card features both brands in their portfolio, so the only thing remaining is to choose one—or perhaps both--to say "thanks" and add to the fun.

Chances are, whether you pick a gift card from Target or Bed Bath &Beyond, you'll have a "monster" hit on your hands.

Recognition and rewards are timely opportunities often linked to important days on the calendar, and Halloween is just one of those touchpoints. Make it a great Halloween with a gift card from Target or Bed Bath & Beyond, both from National Gift Card.

And keep the scary stuff in the closet!

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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