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National Safety Month Reminds Everyone to Be Safe

When it comes to issues of importance to Americans, one of the most basic is safety, which is one huge reason why marking June as National Safety Month, a program of the non-profit National Safety Council, is so important.  Every year the organization picks a theme to focus on and this year it's "No 1 Gets Hurt."

How about joining in by teaming up with National Gift Card and The Home Depot?  By targeting some of your key employees or customers with messages that are relevant to safety, you'll be making an impact, not just on your business but aligning with one of the most basic issues that benefits society.

This year, National Safety Month is divided into four weeks, each one with a different emphasis related to safety:

  • On Week 1, it's Emergency Preparedness, with a nod to the need for first aid training.  Surprisingly, only 45 percent of American workers have had the first aid training and only 50 percent know where to locate an automatic external defibrillator, a device that could help restart someone's heart.
  • In Week 2, the National Safety Month organizers focus on Wellness, with special emphasis on sleep disorders, a growing issue that is affecting between 50-70 million Americans, increasing the risk of other health problems such as heart disease and diabetes, and even reducing the lifespan of someone suffering from poor sleep.
  • For Week 3, the focus is Falls, the leading cause of injury-related death for adults age 65 and older.  Falls are also the leading cause of death in construction, based on data provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Labor.
  • And finally, Week 4's emphasis is Driving, with drowsy driving contributing to about 10 percent of all motor vehicle-related crashes.

With all the afternoon around National Safety Month, it's a great time to "get on board" with a gift card campaign from National Gift Card and The Home Depot, a national retailer that keeps its stores stocked with many items that have "safety" as their prime use.

Be safe and stay safe - with help from The Home Depot and National Gift Card!

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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