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National Education Week

It's hard to imagine a more important event than National Education Week, if only for the lasting impact the interactions between students and teachers have for generations to come.

For that reason alone, National Education Week, which takes place November 16-20, represents a tremendous opportunity for schools nationwide to embrace the use of gift cards as one more motivational tool for those who are so passionate about the value of education.

Thankfully, working with brands such as Walmart, Target and Kohl's gives educators almost unlimited opportunities to thank those on their teams who make such a lasting difference in the lives of students.

National Gift Card, which works with these brands throughout the year, is pleased to play a role in what we all intuitively know - that today's students, tomorrow's leaders and citizens of our collective future mean so much as we look toward our tomorrows.

There is no better time to thank our teachers!

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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