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How About a Little Labor Day Lift?

A sure sign that summer is winding down is when Labor Day arrives. We hope that employees have enjoyed time with family and friends and revelled in weather that was just as they hoped.

But Labor Day is also a key date on the calendar when it comes to celebrating the positive impact organized labor has made in our society.

For employees, it can also be a day that leverages the feelings of gratitude that you feel for your team. Letting them know in a tangible way—with an iTunes gift card for example—could be just the boost needed for people who, even unconsciously, are looking for a little lift as they enter one of the busiest work periods of the year heading into fall and beyond.

So, why not remember Monday, Sept. 3 as a moment where a gentle “thank you” for what’s already been done this year and what you collectively hope will be an even better remainder of 2018?

With a gift card from iTunes, made possible through National Gift Card, you can definitely take a step in the right direction!

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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