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Get Movin' - Employee Health & Fitness Day

While we set aside numerous days of the year for highlighting various issues, it's arguable that National Employee Health and Fitness Day (May 16th), is among the most significant in terms of the potential impact it has on employees.

Clearly, just reminding employees of how important it is to spend some regular time keeping fit is a worthy initiative. Emphasizing that with a gift card from National Gift Card and either Nike or Under Armour is a great way to get the attention of employees who could benefit from a timely reminder.

Presenting a gift card for either of those brands helps to "bridge the good intention" with something a recipient can act on - a first step toward making progress.

As an employer, you'll also be making a powerful statement: that you want the people who are on your team to think about their health and fitness, not just on this day, but throughout the year.  Reminders like the presentation of a gift card from NGC and Nike or Under Armour, are great ways to encourage action as part of an overall health and wellness strategy.

National Gift Card makes it easy for your company to support good habits that will make a difference to your employees.  A tangible expression - in the form of a gift card - can go a long way toward doing just that.

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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