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Generational Differences

When it comes to choosing a reward for those who are connected to your firm (whether they be employees or customers), it should be done with the same thought and care that you would give to any other expression of appreciation.

In other words, consider what’s important to the person receiving what you offer.

In the case of a work-related expression of thanks in the form of a gift card, being sensitive to generational differences is probably more important today than at any other time in history, perhaps due to the pace of change that society has faced and how that’s affected the interests of people born and raised in various moments.

A classic example of generational differences are those between the baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) and millennials (born between 1981 and 2000).

Baby boomers are described by those who make it their mission to analyze these sorts of things as having a sense of consumerism, idealism, and a “live to work” mentality.

In contrast, millennials are often seen as being highly sociable, open to new ideas, optimistic and with a strong sense of entitlement. And this is just the beginning of a very long list of attributes.

All of this makes it especially important for someone tasked with building an effective rewards strategy to partner with a trusted gift card fulfillment service provider, someone who knows how members of different generations are likely to respond.

National Gift Card has earned a reputation of adding value to that process, with advisers ready to help align gift cards to the audience, regardless of their generational experience and background.

It doesn’t take much to get it wrong when it comes to a rewards program.

A better way? Turn to National Gift Card to bring sensitivity and experience to your next initiative.

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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