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Worried about eGift Security?

When it comes to speed and convenience, sending and receiving an eGift card ranks high on the scale of choice. But anyone who reads the news might also wonder just how secure those electronic transactions can really be.

If NGC is involved, clients on both sides of the transaction—the person sending and the receiver of the eGift card—can take comfort in knowing their data is secure, thanks to some of the highest encryption technology available.

Recipients of any eGift card--and may we suggest one from REI for example--will receive a unique link that contains the value of the gift along with a unique code and PIN (if necessary). Only the recipient has access to that unique code, which makes the transaction completely secure.

The technology used by NGC ranks among the very best available worldwide. It efficiently and securely delivers something as important as eGift cards for REI, one of the best places to get the kind of gear you’ll want to take with you when you visit some of the world’s most unforgettable places.

With the technology built into each NGC eGift transaction, you’ll do so with peace of mind, knowing the transaction is protected from start to finish. Why not try it for your next incentive program?

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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