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Don't Forget Better Business Communication

Anyone who thinks the idea of excellence in business communication is a "given" ought to think again. The fact is, there's a reason for having a "Better Business Communication Day" and it's not because there are so many people who have it all figured out.

No, the fact is we can all do a better job of communicating with colleagues and customers.  Better Business Communication Day - January 22nd - is an opportunity to celebrate those who have taken the time and made the effort to clearly, concisely and accurately craft and deliver messages that make sense and accomplish their intended purpose.

Those kinds of accomplishments are deserving of recognition and reward, perhaps with an American Express Reward Card, made possible by contacting National Gift Card.

Take the time to single out those who make us better, the people who raise the bar when it comes to business communication.

Contact us today and ask about the gift card solution that’s right for you.

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